Friday, 12 December 2008

Father Christmas is on his way (hopefully) !

We have been busy again this month. Jacob is enjoying tummy time on his play mat these days although he still won't play with me, and I am into everything these days so mummy says. Today I went to the hairdressers and had my first hair cut! I sat in a high chair so that I could see myself in a big mirror and the hairdresser put a gown around me that had cartoon dogs on it. Mummy said I was very good apart from moving my head a bit too much to look around and so I had a Milkybar on the way home. We did some painting later in the day which is great fun as I love getting paint on my hands! Afterwards Mummy left me in the cloakroom to wash my hands while she tidied the kitchen and I was naughty and put the toilet roll in the sink and turned the taps on and nearly flooded the house! I didn't mean to do it I just like experimenting at the moment and I like to do things for myself like turning the pages when we read stories and shutting doors behind me. I like to help mummy with the baking and even help her wrap some Christmas presents this afternoon by sticking the cellotape down. I also help her in the mornings by going into her room and getting her glasses from her bedside table and handing them to her and saying - a little too loudly over and over until she gets the message - "Wake up mummy!" which she doesn't seem to find very funny! If I want mummy or daddy to play with me and my toys I pull their arm saying "Come on mummy"/"Come on daddy" and that normally makes them laugh. My friend India has started coming around to play once a week again - we had great fun playing with all my trains last week as India has a train track at home too. We put up our Christmas tree this week. I love the twinkly lights and the candy canes on it, which I can take off and put back on all by myself. If I do not know what something is I say, "What's that mummy?" or "What's that daddy?" and they tell me what it is - and I usually remember if the word is not too complicated. This Christmas I have learnt the following words: Christmas tree; candy cane; decorations; wreath; stockings; presents; reindeer; snowman and of course not forgetting Father Christmas who is a man who will bring me presents if I am a good boy!

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