Sunday, 9 November 2008

Pumpkins and Fireworks and Smiling Jacob!

The last few weeks have been great fun. As it was Halloween last week we bought some pumpkins from the supemarket and made homeade soup and muffins as well as lanterns! I watched mummy carve the pumpkins and it was really exciting once they were finished and we put a candle in each of them to light them up. In the evening we put the biggest pumpkin on our window sill and lots of children came around to our house trick or treating. Every time the door bell went I ran to the door with mummy (or daddy if mummy was busy feeding Jacob!) to see the scary costumes the boys and girls were wearing. Mummy gave them some sweets and I was allowed some too - I had two lollipops and didn't want to go to bed that night! Then on Wednesday it was Guy Fawkes night and we went to a fireworks display. It was very loud but I wasn't scared at all. Mummy and Daddy were worried about Jacob not liking it but he just slept in the buggy the whole time - obviously not impressed! It was great fun watching the fireworks and being out past my bedtime!
This weekend was also great as mummy and daddy took me out to lunch at a pub where there was a wacky warehouse which I loved and can't wait to go back! Mummy had to distract me with a bar of chocolate to get me out without kicking and screaming! Then on the way home we went to an outdoor adventure play area and I had great fun walking through moats with my new Bob Builder wellies on - but still managed to get very wet as I fell over at one point and my trousers got soaked so they had to come off for the journey home and I borrowed one of Jacob's blankets to keep my legs warm! When we got home I had a nice hot bath and changed into my pyjamas before having dinner, and then it was time for bed - which I was definitely ready for this time!
Jacob has also been smiling a lot this week so I have included a few pics that we have managed to get of him - in-between his sleeping and feeding which is all he ever seems to do! He doesn't want to play with me and my toys but mummy says he will when he is a bit older - then I'll have to share my toys apparently! Mummy thinks we should also note down things that I can do now. I can count to 6 and nearly 10 sometimes! I am also talking a lot more - trying to form sentences rather than just saying one word. I try and repeat everything I hear and I made Daddy laugh the other day when I kept saying, "Gone bit Pete Tong" as I had heard him say it when Thomas and the engines had a crash! When I see something I am unfamiliar with I say "What's that?" which always makes mummy laugh for some reason! When I'm tired I say, "Bed now" and I also know all of Thomas the Tank engines friends! My favourite toys at the moment apart from my engines are jigsaws, as well as my DVD player (which I can work myself) - my favourite DVDs at the moment are Shaun the Sheep, Bob the Builder and Thomas the Tank Engine, and I love reading books with mummy and daddy. We went to the library last week and mummy thought it was funny when I walked in and remembered where the children's books were so I walked straight over to them saying, "library books, library books" excitedly! When I am hungry I go into the kitchen saying "want ice cream" and open the freezer door - but mummy tells me I have to have the ice cream after dinner. The other day I went into the cupboard and pulled out a gingerbread man and went and put it on my table where I eat my dinner and said, "after dinner" pointing at the gingerbread man - which again made mummy laugh! I also like to try and feed myself now - I don't like being spoon fed and I'm still not too good with cutlery so I like to eat everything with my fingers if I can! I have also started going to playgroup on a Monday afternoon with my friends India and Jake. We have great fun running around a big room with lots of toys to play with and mummy gets to sit and have a cup of tea with other mummys! At the end we all sit in a circle and sing songs with actions - my favourite is Incey Wincey Spider and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - I can sing the first lines of the songs on my own!

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