We stayed in a lovely cottage which had a swimming pool. I went in it twice but it was too chilly for me to stay in long even though I did have my wetsuit on! I had my own cot and high chair while I stayed there and there was even a playroom with a TV and videos and I went in there to watch one of favourite shows the Teletubbies in the morning (my favourite bit is the baby in the sun - he always makes me giggle!). There was also some cows and calves in the field next to our cottage and it was fun to watch the mummy cows drinking water out of an old bath and the calves were drinking milk from their mummies.
While on holiday in Cornwall I cut my seventh tooth and I learnt to wave! When mummy or daddy wave at me and say hello I can now wave back at them! I'm learning to do it to all my family and friends now. I've started to copy mummy and daddy more and more now - like when they stick out their tongue I stick mine out at them, and when daddy turns his head to one side I can turn mine too! I also recognise my name and respond if mummy or daddy call me Finn, Finny or Fintan (if I'm naughty!), and mummy says that I should recognise the word 'No' by now - and I sort of do, but sometimes I don't!
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