Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Hello World!

Hello everyone! My name is Fintan David Martin and I was born on Saturday 16th September 2006 at 4.40 in the morning at the Barratt Maternity Home at Northampton General Hospital weighing 6lb 4oz. I came into the world nearly four weeks early as mummy had high blood pressure so she had to be induced. The first day of my life was spent with my mummy on the high-depency unit (because of her b.p) which meant that I wasn't able to have many visitors so only my Nanna came in to see me for a few minutes. The next day on the Sunday we were moved to the general ward and I had lots of my family visit me. There was my Grandma and Grandad; my Nanna and Uncle Gerald; my Uncle James and Aunty Sam and my Grandad and Aunty Wendy. They all brought me gifts and all wanted to hold me! After two nights in hospital we were allowed to go home and I was so pleased when daddy came to pick us up.

I am now 7 months old and I live in Northamptonshire with my mummy and daddy and two cats, Tommy and Tilly and our rabbit, Zac.

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