Wednesday, 23 May 2007

I can stand up!

Today I went over to my Nana's house. It was a lovely day - although a bit too warm for my liking! We went down to the local pub for lunch - I went in my big pram that stays over at Nana's - she told me that my mummy used to sit in it just like me when she was little! On the way home we passed the children in the school playground and Nana told me that my mummy used to run around in that very same playground! I liked listening to their shouts and screams! When we got back to Nana's house I played with my toys with Mummy and Nana and then Mummy helped me to stand up next to the sofa - it was fun but a bit tiring for my legs! I then had a little nap in Nana's arms and then it was time to go home and see Daddy and have dinner. I have almost got my appetite back now, as five days ago I had a tummy bug and didn't feel very well. I went off my food for a few days and mummy just gave me lots of milk instead - and a bit of natural yoghurt as she said it would help get rid of the bad bugs. Both mummy and daddy got the bug too - but we are all better now!

Tuesday, 15 May 2007

Daddy thinks he's an artist!

Daddy has been experimenting with his photo editor!

Shopping With Aunty Lucy

Today me and mummy went to visit Aunty Lucy in Northampton. We went to have a look around the shops and mummy bought me a rain coat as it has been raining a lot recently and I keep getting wet when I get out the car. I also got a nice blue pullover and another hat (mummy is obsessed with buying hats for me - I wouldn't mind but she tries about a dozen of the things on me before deciding on one to buy!). Aunty Lucy bought lots of baby clothes as mummy told me that in September she will be having a baby who will be much smaller than me (I wondered why she has a big tummy). We don't know if it is a boy or a girl yet, Aunty Lucy would like a girl but Uncle Elliot would like a boy - I hope it is too and I can't wait to meet him or her! After shopping and lunch at M&S we went back to Aunty Lucy's house and we assembled her new pushchair that had just been delivered and I was the first baby to try it out - it was very comfy so I think the new baby will like it!

The Baby Show

On Sunday I went to The Baby Show at the NEC with Mummy, Daddy, Uncle Anthony, Aunty Melanie and my baby cousin Dharma (she is 5 months old - even younger than me!). There was lots of people there and lots to look at and there was even a special place where me and Mummy could go for me to have some milk and mummy could put her feet up in a comfy chair. The day would've been really good if it wasn't for my accident. My mummy put me in my pushchair and forgot to strap me in while she was putting something in her bag and by the time she looked up I had decided that I was going to do a nose dive out of my pushchair and she didn't catch me in time. I landed on my nose and I now have a graze on it. My mummy was upset about it and it gave me a shock at the time but I'll have forgotten about it soon, I don't think mummy will though.

Sunday, 6 May 2007

I Can Sleep Through The Night!

Last night I went to bed at 7.45pm and I slept through until 6.50am - that is a record for me and my Mummy says she is very proud of me (and Daddy was very surprised as I am usually in their bed by the time he wakes up in the morning!). I hope that I can continue this pattern and don't get hungry before the morning in future.

Today we went around to see Grandma and Grandad and I had a nice day out. I enjoyed looking at their cat, Felix, he doesn't look the same as Tommy and Tilly but he is still interesting. I think I scared him with my screeches but I think this also made my Grandma laugh!

Thursday, 3 May 2007

My Thursday Club

Today I had my friends, India (second from left)and Jake (far right) around for a play. India is a week older than me and has been sitting on her own for weeks now and has now started to shuffle around on her front. She makes funny noises that make me laugh (once she made me cry but I really like her now)! Jake is six weeks younger than me and is practising sitting up at the moment. We all had fun until 12.30pm when we all started to get hungry so India and Jake's mummies took them home for their lunch, and I then had mine - today it was sweet potato, carrot and broccoli, and raspberry and bluberry yoghurt for dessert - it was yummy and I ate it all. Mummy says we are going out for a walk later and then before I know it Daddy will be home from work to give me a big cuddle - and it will be dinner time too! The photo of me and my friends was taken when I was about 4 months old.

The other babies in the photo are Jamie and Oscar - they couldn't make it today but I hope to see them again soon.

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

An afternoon at the country park

The other day we went to a country park as it has been unusually warm for this time of year and mummy and daddy said we should make the most of it. We walked around a lake and saw a swan and mummy and daddy had a go on an aerial runway as the country park has lots of activities like this - for kids really(!) (mummy and daddy said that it would be a good place to bring me when I am older). I took the opportunity to have a nice nap in my pushchair. When I woke up it was time to go home and have dinner.

Me in the big bath...

I had a bath for the first time in the big bath on Monday. Mummy said that my baby bath is getting too small for me as I'm a big boy now. I prefer it in the big bath as I can sit up without mummy having to hold me all the time and there is more water to splash about and float my ducks in!

My Christening

I was Christened on the 25th March 2007. All my family and friends came (apart from my Great Grandad from Liverpool and my Great Nan from Northampton). It was a very nice day and I enjoyed sitting on lots of laps and listening to people talking to me - so much so that I forgot all about my lunch and nap and by the evening I was very tired and hungry! I got lots of lovely gifts - what a lucky boy I was! My favourite gifts were the cuddly ones - a traditional teddy bear and a Mamas and Papas monkey!

My New Jacket

Mummy has just finished knitting me a new jacket. It is the first time she has knitted anything other than a scarf and she says it is not perfect but it will keep me warm! I don't mind it as long as I have a long-sleeved vest underneath otherwise it is a bit itchy!

Hello World!

Hello everyone! My name is Fintan David Martin and I was born on Saturday 16th September 2006 at 4.40 in the morning at the Barratt Maternity Home at Northampton General Hospital weighing 6lb 4oz. I came into the world nearly four weeks early as mummy had high blood pressure so she had to be induced. The first day of my life was spent with my mummy on the high-depency unit (because of her b.p) which meant that I wasn't able to have many visitors so only my Nanna came in to see me for a few minutes. The next day on the Sunday we were moved to the general ward and I had lots of my family visit me. There was my Grandma and Grandad; my Nanna and Uncle Gerald; my Uncle James and Aunty Sam and my Grandad and Aunty Wendy. They all brought me gifts and all wanted to hold me! After two nights in hospital we were allowed to go home and I was so pleased when daddy came to pick us up.

I am now 7 months old and I live in Northamptonshire with my mummy and daddy and two cats, Tommy and Tilly and our rabbit, Zac.