This month we have had more snow than in 18 years apparently. Mummy says that she remembers going out sledging with Uncle James all those years ago and how much fun it was - and I agree! Mummy and I made a snowman - and then a few days later we had yet more snow and so Daddy helped us to build three more snowmen so that we had a whole family of them sitting in the back garden peering into our patio door! Every morning I would go downstairs to make sure they were all still there, and for quite a while they were. But gradually they began to melt and leave nothing more than their "snowmen noses" (as I call carrots) and a scattering of stones that we had used to make their faces and buttons. I kept telling mummy that they had gone off on motorbikes as that is what happened in the story of The Snowman that Daddy has read to me. I was sad to see the snow go - I had great fun with my friend India having a snow ball fight! She got me more that I got her as my gloves were too big to pick up the snow easily! Jacob sat in his bumbo seat and watched us from the patio window as mummy said it was too cold for him to come outside. Poor Jacob has not been very well these last few weeks. He has had a chest infection and I have not been able to make him laugh at all but mummy says he is almost back to normal now and he has started to smile at me again :)