Sunday, 14 October 2007

A busy week

This last week has been quite eventful. Mummy has a new job and so I have spent three days this week with my Nanna, which I don't mind as she spoils me - plus there are two horses that live down the road and we go and see them and feed them cereal! India still comes around to my house one morning a week and we have fun watching C-Beebies and playing with my toys. India can walk now and her new game is to chase Thomas around the lounge - I can't wait to do that too! I have been practising this weekend actually. This morning I was stood up against my play pen and I let go to see how long I could stand all on my own - it was so exciting that it made me laugh! I tried it a few times, each time I dared to stand a bit longer, but then I lost my balance and fell back onto my noah's ark and I was upset but luckily daddy was there to pick me up for a cuddle! On saturday I saw my cousin, Dharma, and we went on some swings together which was great fun! We met up at our Grandma and Grandad's house and Grandad cooked dinner and I tried some for the first time and thought it was nice as it was different to my usual food! Mummy lets me eat almost anything now, in moderation, except for meat of course as I'm a vegetarian! Like today, I had some pear tart with chocolate sauce which was meant to be for the grown ups but I pointed at mummy's plate and spoon for so long that she let me have a few mouthfuls - it was delicious and everyone laughed at me as it looked like I had chocolate-coloured lipstick on!

Monday, 1 October 2007

A day in the life of me

Normally I wake up (nearly always in mummy and daddy's bed!) at 7.30am. Mummy gets me washed and dressed and we then have breakfast; then I sit down and watch CBeebies while playing with my toys. When I get restless mummy puts me in my walker car in the kitchen so that I can watch her cooking! At 12 I have my lunch (I nearly always have blueberries and once I pulled the whole carton off the table when mummy wasn't looking!) and at 1pm Daddy comes home for lunch and I squeal with excitement when he comes through the door and says hello to me! In the afternoon we go out either for a walk or to the shops and I have my afternoon nap. Then we come home and I have a practice at standing up as well as playing with my toys. At 5pm Thomas comes in from the garden looking for his dinner and I try and catch him as he runs past me and he makes me laugh until I realise that I am hungry too and then mummy says it is like feeding time at the zoo with me screaming and Thomas meowing for our dinners! Daddy comes home from work at 5.30 so I get to spend a little while with him before my bath and bed time at 7pm. It's even better at the weekend because I get to spend all day with daddy and we do fun things together like practicing walking and daddy sometimes plays his guitar and I nod my head along to the tune! Today mummy was very impressed with me at dinnertime because I ate most of my fish pie all by myself! I had been trying to get the spoon off her for a few days now but she kept telling me that I couldn't do it by myself - I tried to tell her by crying and not opening my mouth and trying to grab the spoon but she wouldn't let me until today when I was a my Nanna's house for dinner and Nanna gave me the spoon - mummy was so surprised and said that I could feed myself from now on if I want! Another thing that I have learnt to do this week is brush my own hair! Mummy was brushing my hair before bed last night and I grabbed the brush off her and did it myself which made mummy laugh! Other things I do that make mummy and daddy laugh are when I drop something I say "Uh oh" and if they say "Well done" or "Good boy" then I start clapping!

My 1st trip to the Zoo

Yesterday we went to the zoo and we saw lots of monkeys as well as giraffes, elephants, leopards, a lion, a huge orangutan, chimps, gorillas, meerkats, lemurs, pygmy goats, penguins and sealions! There was so much to see I didn't know where to look first, but my absolute favourite animals were the langur monkeys - they were very cute and they jumped around which made me laugh a lot! We had a picnic of peanut butter and jam sandwiches and yoghurt and animal biscuits, and then I slept on the way home and dreamed of jumping around with monkeys!

Oscar's 1st Birthday!

On Saturday I went to my mate Oscar's birthday party. He is 1 as well now! We had good fun and he got loads of new toys like I did and his grandma made him a chocolate birthday cake which was delicious!

This is me and Oscar with our friend India - Daddy calls us the three amigos and says that we are thick as thieves when we get together! India comes over to stay at my house one morning a week now. Mummy had to try and feed both of us at lunch time - but I wasn't hungry as I was too interested in getting into the kitchen cupboards because Mummy had to put me in my walker as India was in my high chair! It was great fun but mummy said she is pleased she only has me to look after most of the time!!